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Monday, July 27, 2020

Lissie goes to the Doll Hospital... Again.

As you probably already know from my last post, I sent my Felicity doll to the Doll Hospital in April, and they made a slight mistake (They gave her neck strings instead of a zip tie) and so I sent her back. I noticed a few changes from her initial visit. First of all, the sticker on the box is different.
The new box is on the left, and the old box is on the right. The actual box is exactly the same as the old one, but the sticker is different. The new sticker is a really pretty shade of blue, with a red heart in the center with the AG star logo in the middle of it. In the bottom right corner is the American Girl Doll Hospital logo. The old box had a pale pink sticker with white polka-dots on it, to simulate the look of a band-aid. In the center was a darker pink box. The Doll Hospital logo was in a pale pink heart in the middle of the box. 

Hmm. It appears that I didn't take any full pictures of Lissie in the box, so here's a photo from her first visit to get an idea of how she looked. Her hair was not styled in any special way, just a simple ponytail. The ribbon in her hair was much shorter than the first ribbon. It was definitely cut after it was tied in her hair. It's almost too short to put back in her hair.
The gown is nearly the same. The difference is that unlike my previous two gowns, this one had a "Made in Indonesia" tag instead of the "Made in China" tag of the previous gowns. The newest one was also poorly constructed: it was shedding bits of white thread everywhere, and the Velcro didn't seem very secure either. It was very thin, so it could stop working at any moment, but also because it felt like because it was sewn on so poorly it would actually fall off with use.

The care tips are identical to the previous box, so nothing new to comment on there.

Here's the text on the back, if you're interested in that. If you're wondering, it contains one doll.

Her feet were attached with a clear rubber band. Her ankles had a piece of foam around them to protect the socks from getting damaged by the tight band.

Her Certificate of Good Health is different from her last one. It is thinner, a bit smaller, and kind of feels like... printer paper? It was signed by Dr. Eliza.
Here is the side-by-side comparison of both certificates. The older one feels and looks nicer in my opinion. I do prefer the color scheme of the new one, though.
One notable change is that her neck was attached with a plastic...brace...thing, instead of the elastic used previously. 

Here's the brace off of her neck. My sister's Joss doll and my Luciana had this too.

As you can see here, they gave Felicity a zip tie, which was the entire reason she had to go on a return trip. They also sewed the area closed, which was a pleasant surprise, and definitely not expected. Also includes a look at my blue rug. You're welcome. *bows dramatically.*
Because I forgot to share last time, here's a photo of the silver stud earrings paired with the dangly silver stars.

Overall, I'm still crabby that I had to send her again at all, but it was pretty neat seeing the new box and certificate. It appears that AG is making you purchase hospital services online instead of sending payment with the doll, so that no one else loses their money again.

'til Next Time - JCole

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