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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Standard Barbie dolls

Standard Barbie dolls are often called Basic or Budget, because they are very basic with limited articulation, and can fit in a tight budget, as they're usually under $5. They come with a simple, slip-on dress (a.k.a. No Velcro) and simple (or in some lines, no shoes)
Image for BRB OPP DL (BLND) from Mattel
Note the arm shape. That means that they can only move back and forth.

The boxes are very simple, and the doll is only held in place with a rubber band around the waist. The clothes that come with these dolls are very simple, but really cute. My favorite Barbie dress I own actually came on a Standard! These dolls are nice to have, because the joints don't get loose as quickly as a Fashionista, and the cheap price makes them easy to acquire. Below is a Standard Barbie from 1967. She was cheaper than the regular $3.00. I want to say it was $1.00. I think that's what the sticker says... maybe I'll enlarge it later.

Image result for 1967 standard barbie

'til Next Time!  - JCole

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